Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why Dogs Make Better Neurologists Than Humans

I wrote a poem this morning:

The Sun Shines.
I Sit In The Sun
& Get Shined On.

I love the sun.  It's warm.  Warm is my favorite thing.  The big family bed is warm.  Coffee is warm (and yummy!)  Cuddling with my people is warm.  Sitting by the heater is warm.  Pretty much everything good except for swimming is warm.  Pico told me that she went swimming once in some place called Texas where swimming is sometimes warm, but I think she's teasing me.

Speaking of coffee.  Ever since my visit to the neurologist vet, I've been afraid of the vet's office.  Any vet's office.  So, Juli has arranged for me to go visit at my vet, just to visit, regularly.  We went for our first visit yesterday.  My vet's office has coffee - who knew?  They'd been holding out on me before!  So I got to drink some coffee, eat some treats and get pet.  I could forget I was in a vet office where they might decide to give me a neuro exam any minute as long as I was drinking coffee, but I was nervous and unsettled for the rest of it.  Juli says she understands about not liking the neuro exam - she's had them too and she doesn't like them either and they tell her what they are going to do first - but I still have to get over it.  One of the vet techs told me that she only comes in to the vet office for the coffee sometimes too!  I like her!  My vet said I'm a weird dog for liking coffee.  But I bet HE likes coffee!

Why do humans have to poke and prod (and apparently use big scary machines and uncomfortable needles) so much to do neuro exams anyway?  We dogs do very good neuro exams just by sniffing.  Pico and I can tell when Juli is getting a migraine better than Juli OR the human vets with all their mean tests can.  We dogs can alert to seizures and strokes too, all without the mean neuro exams.  Heck, dogs can be trained to sniff out tumors, why not have dogs sniff out brain tumors instead of using the boring scans Juli's had to have?  Those vets need to learn something from us dogs.  (Actually, Juli's current neuro vet mostly just talks to her and occasionally asks about me, so she seems okay.  This might be because she has a dog in her office to teach her!)

However, Juli needs to learn to listen to me better.  I told her on Wednesday that she was getting a migraine.  Did she take any of her migraine stopping pills?  No!  She did get some extra rest, but that's not as good as the meds.  So, Thursday she gets a migraine.  Her meds aren't really enough, so she's still fighting the migraine - gee I wonder why?  Maybe if she'd listened to me in the first place!  I'm not smarter than humans in everything (I can't make coffee after all!), but in some things, we dogs totally rule and people should listen to us!
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