Saturday, October 10, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 20:21 Went backpacking for the 1st time (2mi) saw HORSES and a coyote. Picked up 12 piles for my Clean Up America 2 badge #dogscouts #
  • 20:44 - Here's me practicing "leave it" with a coyote at Powell Butte #
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Monday, September 28, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 19:24 I like popping bubble wrap! #
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 22:30 scary tv show - i'm hiding my head under the blankets #
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 14:49 scary delivery guy came to my house and it was presents for me! maybe he's not so scary! gonuts are wonderful #
  • 15:15 except juli took away my gonut cause i already chewed to the safety core. #
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Monday, June 22, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 17:07 RT @BullsEyeDogResc Why be afraid of pibbles when kittens are the real danger?? RT @carbon_unmade: Postwoman "attacked" #
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Training and Activities

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 18:25 Baby carrots are yummy! Juli won't let me steal herlast one. #
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 21:04 .@BullsEyeDogResc I used to live with a house bunny! He was the boss of me! Bunnies make great friends for pibbles!!! Go bunny rescue! #
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Friday, June 5, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 00:20 Juli came to visit and walk me. Snitched on me to the tech for licking my toes raw, now I can't do that anymore. #
  • 11:32 Finally home! They sure were nice to me at the vet except for the nasty meds! Friends 24 hours a day #
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 18:36 I heard the vet say I probably get to come home early tomorrow morning. It's about time!!!! #
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 11:33 Really i just ate the bottle not the tylenol. #dontneednostinkinvet #
  • 13:46 What I have to stay at the vet for 2 days and take nasty meds every six hours? Really it was just the bottle! #dontneednostinkinvet #
  • 23:16 Still at the vet. Juli came to visit. I pretended to be sad whenever the camera was out. #
  • 23:41 - #
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 16:21 Hey everyone check out @darbytheGSD, her dad died and she needs a new home! I'd be sad w/o my pawents! Please RT! #darbytheGSD #
  • 16:24 @MerlinWylt Good luck on the not acting crazy! Hope you heal soon. Blame it on the bunnies! #
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Friday, May 8, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 23:29 I finally got my lamb bone!!! yum! #
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 22:07 Juli got me a bone #
  • 22:07 Juli, what good does it do to get me a bone if you leave it at work? #
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Friday, May 1, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 11:47 I am geek dog! What's this "no chew, no chew". I have no thumbs, how else am I supposed to take stuff apart to see what's inside? #
  • 12:59 @lala_com Juli says this weeks' best new album is Dale Watson The Truckin' Sessions: Vol 2 Me - no opinion #
  • 14:16 @MerlinWylt I tell you, those bunnies rule with claws of steel. Don't mess with them! #
  • 20:38 I made Juli get her own twitter account @competentgirl instead posting on and using my twitter account to follow people #
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 11:20 Curled up in bed with my sick dad. I kinda like it when my people are sick if it's just the kind of sick that is better with pibble love! #
  • 22:15 Chillin' on the couch with Juli #
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 11:43 Yes, I am made of sugar and I will melt if I go out in the rain! #
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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 14:32 Juli is being silly and cutting my toenails with her toenail clipper. #
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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 13:52 Nice neighbor lady's grandkids brought their boxer over. We want to play! Dang fence! #
  • 15:12 @merlinwylt until he died, Buster the bunny was first non-human in our pack. Don't mess with rabbits! They can whip your tail! #
  • 17:06 Score! Juli decided to play the eye contact game for green beans while heating up her lunch. Yum! #
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Friday, April 17, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 20:36 Nice walk tonight. Lots of pee mail! #
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 13:34 Cause @MerlinWylt asked I'm not a #dogscout yet, but my big sister is. #
  • 13:38 I know nothing about a hole under the fence, muddy paws or being in nice neighbor lady's yard last night. Squirrelnapped! I tell you! #
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 22:45 I got a new bandana with smilie faces on tie-dye. Much better than the old pink flower one! #
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 14:10 My people are weird! They told me I was good for throwing up. Does this have anything to do with the hydrogen peroxide they made me drink #
  • 18:07 Everyone send good barks to the animals and people flooded out of their houses around Fargo! #
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 19:01 I have the same instincts as my Rat Terrier cousins, but it's sure frustrating trying to get into the tiny places rodents hide! #
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 20:57 My Juli's not home. Again. #
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 15:17 Yesterday Juli took me to the source of the best treats - surprise it's a vet office I guess they are good for something #
  • 23:13 i think the tv news just identified a harlequin great dane as a pit bull cause there person tried to make them attack someone #
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 19:50 Mouse in the basement. The battle is on. Common mouse bring it. #
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 23:25 Where are my people? Juli should have been home curled up with us long ago! #
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 23:56 Mini snowballs are falling from the sky #
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 14:30 $10 Hoodies at Old Navy. I wear a 4T. I like being warm. Just sayin' #
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 13:48 I know biting is wrong, but @grabbyfingers is so right! Phil should bite this guy. Seriously. #
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Monday, January 26, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 01:04 wearing my prong collar prong side out made my neck bleed - the prong side is much gentler! #
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 13:37 Kong Balls are Good chews. Golf Balls are Bad chews. #
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Monday, January 19, 2009

Training and Activities

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why Dogs Make Better Neurologists Than Humans

I wrote a poem this morning:

The Sun Shines.
I Sit In The Sun
& Get Shined On.

I love the sun.  It's warm.  Warm is my favorite thing.  The big family bed is warm.  Coffee is warm (and yummy!)  Cuddling with my people is warm.  Sitting by the heater is warm.  Pretty much everything good except for swimming is warm.  Pico told me that she went swimming once in some place called Texas where swimming is sometimes warm, but I think she's teasing me.

Speaking of coffee.  Ever since my visit to the neurologist vet, I've been afraid of the vet's office.  Any vet's office.  So, Juli has arranged for me to go visit at my vet, just to visit, regularly.  We went for our first visit yesterday.  My vet's office has coffee - who knew?  They'd been holding out on me before!  So I got to drink some coffee, eat some treats and get pet.  I could forget I was in a vet office where they might decide to give me a neuro exam any minute as long as I was drinking coffee, but I was nervous and unsettled for the rest of it.  Juli says she understands about not liking the neuro exam - she's had them too and she doesn't like them either and they tell her what they are going to do first - but I still have to get over it.  One of the vet techs told me that she only comes in to the vet office for the coffee sometimes too!  I like her!  My vet said I'm a weird dog for liking coffee.  But I bet HE likes coffee!

Why do humans have to poke and prod (and apparently use big scary machines and uncomfortable needles) so much to do neuro exams anyway?  We dogs do very good neuro exams just by sniffing.  Pico and I can tell when Juli is getting a migraine better than Juli OR the human vets with all their mean tests can.  We dogs can alert to seizures and strokes too, all without the mean neuro exams.  Heck, dogs can be trained to sniff out tumors, why not have dogs sniff out brain tumors instead of using the boring scans Juli's had to have?  Those vets need to learn something from us dogs.  (Actually, Juli's current neuro vet mostly just talks to her and occasionally asks about me, so she seems okay.  This might be because she has a dog in her office to teach her!)

However, Juli needs to learn to listen to me better.  I told her on Wednesday that she was getting a migraine.  Did she take any of her migraine stopping pills?  No!  She did get some extra rest, but that's not as good as the meds.  So, Thursday she gets a migraine.  Her meds aren't really enough, so she's still fighting the migraine - gee I wonder why?  Maybe if she'd listened to me in the first place!  I'm not smarter than humans in everything (I can't make coffee after all!), but in some things, we dogs totally rule and people should listen to us!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Training and Activities

  • 12:06 Ah ha! I leave Juli's coffee alone she gives me a taste AND cuddles with me. I steal her coffee, I might get more but I get banished fr ... #
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 23:49 Mutton bone! Yummy and doesn't make my toes itch! #
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Friday, January 9, 2009

Training and Activities

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 19:20 @mushrush Juli says to tell you radioshack sells arctic silver. She won't let me eat any, will you? #
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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 23:43 I went to the Behaviorist vet yesterday - it was much better than the neurologist! They didn't molest me! #
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Friday, January 2, 2009

Training and Activities

  • 01:00 At the emergency vet for eating magnets. I feel fine. Juli is not happy! #
  • 01:23 Hey i just got a whole bowl of pumpkin! In addition to dinner! #
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