Friday, August 29, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 14:05 Working today. Is good. Plus a new toy for breaks. #
  • 14:14 Martin is taking my picture #
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 18:10 Yesterday daycare and a couple hours at work, today it looks like it'll be daycare all day #
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Friday, August 22, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 19:22 Work today! #
  • 19:51 Public access - juli introduced me to automatic doors, just watching 'em #
  • 20:38 Standing in the doorway at the pizza place - so hard! #
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 13:02 Maybe turning 2 is like a magic focus drug #
  • 13:03 I didn't bark at the delivery guy #
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 17:11 I got stuck at home today, I wanted to go with Juli! #
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Training and Activities

  • 21:19 Monday at work? New to me. I was an excellent waiter. #
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Lots of changes

The last few days have had lots of unusual stuff going on.  First, on Thursday, Juli usually picks me up from daycare and then either we go home or she lets me come practice working for an hour or so.  Last week, Juli picked me up, took me home and then she went back to work until it was almost morning.  Also, on Fridays, I usually go to work with Juli.  But this week, she left me at home.  She said it was too dangerous for me at work, 'cause she was going to have to spend lots of time in the machine room and it was too hot for me (100+ F.)  That is hot, but I don't understand how it's too dangerous for me, but she still goes. 

Saturday was pretty normal.  Then Sunday was something called my barkday.  We didn't have barkdays at that other place.  But Pico and I got special treats and I got a new toy and best of all my people made a big fuss about me and rubbed my belly a lot!  Oh, and I'm 2 now.  Juli says that means it will get easier for me to focus - which should make my life easier, maybe I'll even earn more treats!

Today, Juli took me to work with her.  She never takes me to work with her on Monday.  It was great though.  And she taught me a new trick called "take a piece" - she holds out a big treat and I'm supposed to bite off some.  It's pretty cool to have a trick that just involves eating!  Oh, I almost forgot - I practiced staying under Juli's desk while she did went into the other room (and once even outside.)  Juli was so impressed by me!
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 10:13 Another day at daycare! Yippie! At home, I'm getting much better at leave it. #
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 09:43 My cat brother came to daycare with me today! I hope I don't have to play with him! #
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 21:54 Stuck at home today, but got a new stuffed toy for being good at home. Maybe it's worth it. #
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 13:08 Practiced public access at the farmers market #
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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 23:34 Went for a 3 hour walk practicing looking at Juli instead of other dogs and leave it's #
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 11:03 Today's my day to practice being at work with Juli all day. It's getting pretty easy, as long as I'm not feeling hyper. #
  • 13:59 Went to a meeting in someone else's office, - never did that before! #
  • 17:37 Just made several visits to the server room. Juli had avoided taking me in there 'cause a lot of dogs find it scary. Not me. #
  • 18:33 I'm getting really good at the follow command to get through the narrow places in the warehouse. #
  • 19:21 I waited under Juli's desk while she went in the other room for more than a minute for the first time! #
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Friday, August 8, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 19:01 10 + hours at daycare! Excuse me practicing good dog dog behavior #
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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 09:21 Had to ignore food all over the floor to earn mine #
  • 09:22 It's much easier when rich feeds me! #
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Training and Activities

  • 10:57 Daycare! #
  • 18:01 Practicing good office behavior for an hour or so. #
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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Trying Something New

I've started using twitter to post what I'm doing, and particularly trying to use it as a training log. And than having my tweets from the day posted here. We'll see how it works.

It can be hard to keep a training log when I don't always know I'm being trained. Sometimes we go to classes and stuff or Juli takes me somewhere specifically to work on something, but she's sneaky and lots of times, she'll just starting telling me that I'm doing a good something when I'm doing it and then all of a sudden later she'll turn it into a command. That's how I learned to pee on command - ever since I came to live with Juli, she's been telling me "Good Dog, Go Pee" when I start peeing and sometimes giving me a treat. Then suddenly last week, we were outside and she said to me "Go Pee", so I experimented and peed and she was all happy and gave me treats and pats and stuff. See, sneaky!
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