Dutch, I'm a lover, not a fighter. Heck, I let my bunny brother, Buster, beat me up. But, that's not to say that I'm above
Frontin', if I think it will get me out of trouble. In fact, I'm pretty good at frontin'.
Today, Juli took me to run errands with her and the Farmer's Market we met a little pibble girl who is just a few months younger than me. We were sniffing and I got a little nervous, so I growled just a tiny bit. Next thing I knew, she'd rolled over and was showing me her belly. I didn't know what to do! No dog (or any other animal) had ever submitted to me. In fact, my bunny brother taught me how to submit to a bunny (you have to let them under your chin and then you groom them.)
So all you dogs out there who know how to be dominant - uh, I think I need some lessons. Next time I have a scared friend, how do I let them know that it's okay and they can play?